
Gratitude Over Orthodox Witness About Marriage in the Public Square

Post-March Orthodox Gathering on the Capital Building Lawn, which included a pair of homilies and an Akathist to Saints Joachim and Anna.

We have received an outpouring of messages and calls of gratitude over the past several days over the involvement of at approximately 25 Orthodox clergy, 1 monastic, and many lay people totaling around 100 persons at the March for Marriage this past Saturday. Some of our clergy received sponsoring for travel as they came from as far as California, Washington, Oregon, and Florida to make the event. Many thanks to those who made it possible for them to represent us.

As a result of our formal engagement and preparation efforts, in addition to the boldness of our marchers, the Orthodox Church received multiple honors of recognition from organizers of the March for Marriage and other religious leaders during the March Rally. According to one of the organizers of the March, the Orthodox Church's participation in the national conversation is very significant. The Orthodox Church carries a decided "moral authority" that is clearly felt among other faith confessions. 

It is time we lead.

Orthodox Faithful join thousands in March Processional at the 2015 March for Marriage.

Throughout the history of our faith our Holy Fathers have led the Orthodox laity to gather in unison to preserve the faith against heresy from within, and against major threats upon societies from without. We are in a unique position as Orthodox Christians in a nation governed as a democratic republic. We still benefit from religious freedoms that would allow us to voice with clarity the gospel message of Christ’s love, and the path to salvation.
— Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America


As you know, Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America offered a beautiful word and clarity on the Orthodox concern over confusion on the topic of marriage and sexuality in our nation. He brought national attention to our current crisis by addressing our clergy and laity in his resounding letter.

Last week, Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, and Metropolitan Tikhon of the Orthodox Church in America, both signed a statement entitled, "THE DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE AND THE RIGHT OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: REAFFIRMING A SHARED WITNESS: An Open Letter from Religious Leaders to All in Positions of Public Service."  An additional post addressing the topic can be found here.

As organizers of the effort, we are encouraged by our bishops and clergy as they address matters of marriage and proclaim the truth in love to our faithful; stand with other faith confessions; address our neighbors about intrinsic truths regarding sexuality; and directly engage our civil authorities in these United States of America.

A special note of brotherly love and gratitude to our Fr. Hans Jacobse from St. Peter Bonita Springs, FL, who was emboldened to take the national stage and proclaim Orthodox Christian Truth regarding marriage, sexuality, and the Church's witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the public square. 

Please click here to find his entire address.

Rev. Fr. Johannes (Hans) Jacobse offers the Orthodox Church's testimony to the truth of one man/one woman marriage as a featured speaker at the March for Marriage Rally on April 25th, 2015.

Help Us Send our Clergy and Monastics

Thank God, a number of Orthodox clergymen and monastics have received financial sponsorship to aide in their travel plans to the March for Marriage in DC. With only  6 days remaining until the March, we still have several clergymen in need of financial assistance.

By utilizing the crowdfunding website,, we have established a convenient way to send monies. Message or email us through  Facebook , or fill in your info at our   "Ask A Priest"  page to let us know you are interested in becoming a sponsor. Make sure you note this in the message. We will send you individual links to our clergymen's pages so you can make a direct contribution.

Thank you for your efforts.

Public square rally in the country of Georgia, led by Orthodox Christian clergy and monastics marching in unity in support of Christian sexual morality.

Public square rally in the country of Georgia, led by Orthodox Christian clergy and monastics marching in unity in support of Christian sexual morality.

News Coverage from LifeSiteNews

His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese

His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese

... Reaction to the Metropolitan’s strong stance has been positive. “Metropolitan Joseph is clearly emerging as the moral leader of Orthodox Christianity in America,” Fr. Johannes Jacobse, a priest in the Antiochian Orthodox Church and founder of the American Orthodoxy Institute, told LifeSiteNews. “This call to participate in the March for Marriage affirms that the Orthodox have a place in the public square.”

Our New T-Shirts!

Christ is Risen! Khristós Anésti! Christos voskrese!

We are only  11 days  away from the March for Marriage in D.C., Saturday April 25th! If you have not registered to attend or become a grass roots Representative, please sign up so that we might communicate with you. For all details on how to participate in the March in D.C. or sponsor clergy or monastics to attend and represent our Church, please check out our recent post.

Thank God we have been able to produce some high quality t-shirts promoting our website and cause to be available for you to purchase at the March for Marriage and put on over your clothes. Please bring some extra cash to the March so you can pick one up. The t-shirts are being offered at cost, and will be under $10 each. The t-shirts are a 50/50 cotton/polyester blend and will last through many launderings.