March for Marriage



March for Marriage

Saturday, June 25th

Book your flight and plan your trip to join us that morning on the National Mall in D.C. for the March for Marriage, and the proceeding Orthodox Gathering.


Why Should Orthodox Christians March?

The March for Marriage is supported by the National Organization for Marriage who is working diligently to communicate the necessity for the defense of marriage between one man and one woman as designed by God, as the fabric of the foundation for our civilization. June 25th represents the fourth March for Marriage in Washington D.C., and is the first to take place after the SCOTUS's 2015 decision on Obergefell v. Hodges (useful analysis of that decision by the Heritage Foundation can be found here). 

The march is a peaceful rally and quite comparable to the March for Life. We invite you to make every effort to attend the rally, and encourage your priests, brothers and sisters in Christ, and leaders and members of religious communities in your area, to do likewise. Come out in support of marriage between one man and one woman, modeled from our Lord's love for His Bride: the Church. With a blessing to pursue this work from a number of our bishops, many priests believe it is time we had a national pan-Orthodox Christian movement. A strong, vibrant, and clear message is needed from our Church on the matter of the Mystery of Holy Matrimony, as well as an enumeration upon God blessed sexuality, and traditional gender roles toward the strengthening of family life. This action is necessary in order to dispel confusion which has been stirred up by our secular culture, and most egregiously, even by some of our own clergymen. 

Such an effort would be blessed by God to the building up of our faith in the hearts of our Orthodox people. This is what our nation's people need to see: truth, beauty, and goodness. The Orthodox Church has preserved its teachings on the sacrament of marriage, and its teachings on human identity and sexuality. As a place of refuge, the Church offers healing through Christ for us all, boldly proclaiming a blessed path toward salvation.

For information on the gathering times and location of the March, please visit our Events Page.